Thursday, April 28, 2011


the first one, give her applause, for the one and only, ARDHANA RESWARI.......

she's beautiful, isn't she? she's my chairmate since we were 9th grade. she's the only girl who accompanied me went to Bruno Mars's concert. we always have a crush on the same guy, but sometimes, her choice a bit different than me. he like a brown-skin boy, with a big lips, and curly hair. there's one funniest story between me and her. in math test, when we got the test paper included the questions, at the first question, i said to her ''I GIVE UP, what about u?it's difficult, isn't it?' and i thought she'll said that she won't gave up but she said 'ME TOO. THIS TEST TOO DIFFICULT. I'M BLANK'. and our score are 15/100. GREAT HUH?!!!!

the second one, just give her ur flat face*kidding, GLORY ANGELA........

wait, i need to reset my brain to remember what did i do with her, huh? oh oh i remember. my father wouldn't let me drive a motorcycle, but i thought i've break the rules. She, glory, taught me how to drive a motorcycle (so daddy, blame it on her, not me. i'm just a victim). she can be super annoying when she was fad. we never had a crush on the same guy. she's my einstein girl.
her picture is cute, isn't she? yey she's cute. OH CRAP?!!!! i can't believe i've just said it........

and the last but not least, my super cuttie, NATHANIA MARGARETH.......

she is.............................................................(fill in the blank) i don't know what i've to say. she's a good girl, but she's a mommy poodle*kidding. she's a chairmate of Glory. she's moody, when she's happy, she'll smile all over the time. but when she's sad, ooooh she'll never show her teeth. OH GOD, WHAT I'VE TO SAY ABOUT HER????? that's all nat :'D


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