Tuesday, September 21, 2010

those lyric are stuck in my head

ini beberapa potongan lirik yang sering muter muter dikepala gua, krn gua suka bgt sama penggalan lirik ini. karena bermakna bgt:

"does he love you the way i can, did you forget all the plans that you made with me, cause baby i didn't" - that's should be me(justin bieber)

"i wanna be a billionaire so frickin' bad, buy all of the things i've never had"- billionaire(travis mccoy ft bruno mars)

"when you see my face hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell. when you walk my way hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell"- gives you hell(the all american rejects)

"if i had you, that would be the only i've ever need"- if i had you(adam lambert)

"cause honesty the truth is that you know i'm never leavin' cause your my angel sent from above"- love me(justin bieber)

"and i wonder if i ever crossed your mind, for me it's happens all the time- need you now(lady antabellum)

"our love is forever. and if we'll die, we'll die together"- neutron star collision(muse)

itu baru beberapa.. masih banyak lagi yang nyangkut di kepala gua, tinggal di PING! aja(?) kata bbm. oke segitu dulu yap ;) trink

perfect day

heeeey.. long time no post
uyeaah udah lama bgt ini gua kagak ngepost semenjak lebaran, maklum orang sibuk(eak). tapi disini gua ga bakalan nyeritain tentang liburan lebaran gua karena itu terlalu ga penting dan terlalu panjang.

hari hari pertama gua masuk sekolah abis lebaran itu asik bgt. jadi kita cuma halal bihalal setengah jamlah palingan. terus, pulang abis istirahat. wauw that's cool. abis dari situ kita main kerumah nathania, tidur siang bareng, cerita-cerita tentang masa depan bareng wuakakak pokonya pas cerita2 itu yang paling seru. masih umur belasan tahun udah ngomong tentang married. emang abg jaman sekarang! abis itu, kita nonton tv. rumah itu udah serasa milik kita berempat doang, soalnya emang cuma ada 4 orang disitu.

hari besoknya, kita udah mulai belajar kayak biasa, that's a bad news. tapi luckily, belom ada PM, that a good news. FOR US! murid putra khususnya. sumpah kalo hari itu gua pulang susah payah. mungkin ga bakal bisa dilupain sampe gue SMA. gue naik angkot bareng ardhana&glory, ya mungkin itu biasa. trs pas turun dari angkot, KITA LARI SEPANJANG JALAN RAYA SAMPE RUMAH ARDHANA DAN UJAN-UJANAN. sumpah sampe rumah ardhana langsung disuruh mandi sama nyokapnya ardhana. si glory dikeramasin sama dhana etdaaah-___-

oke that's all my perfectly journey. kalo ada yang seru lagi, i'll be back(apadah ga nyambung)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

big day

hallo unyuuu hari ini udah HARI LEBARAN loh! selamat datang kembali jam makan pagi dan jam makan siang..

gue, Claudia Isabella, lewat blog gue big love from the creater mengucapkan, SELAMAT HARI RAYA IDUL FITRI maafin ya kalo gue punya kesalahan besar maupun kecil sama kalian hehe :D

Sunday, September 5, 2010

how wild are these girls?

cewek pertama, hmm.. anaknya asik diajak curhat. pikirannya kalo giliran cowok ganteng langsung jalan, gebetannya banyak tapi yang bagus cuma dikit wuakakak. taulah siapa?

cewek kedua, nah yang ini anaknyaaa.. kadang2 pikirannya suka agak sesat sih, yaaah pokonya gitu deh.. gabisa nilai gue ;p oh iya selera cowok si cewek ini selalu sama dgn si cewek pertama

cewek ketiga, kalo yang ini pinter banget di pelajaran. tapi agak susah kalo disuruh milih cowok ahahaha

cewek keempat, nah yang ini kadang-kadang suka ribet sendiri, bawel, kalo bosen ngajakin jalan2 muter2 koridor sekolah hahaha taulah ya siapa..

Friday, September 3, 2010

who i wanna be

hitler's new daughter, why? maybe i could be more cruel than him but it's forbidden, i know..

hayley's new sister, why? maybe i can have a better voice than her but it isn't possible, because my voice is ugly.

angelina jolie's new foster kid, why? maybe i could be an actrees hollywood also but is impossible, because i live in jakarta and hollywood is thousand miles from here. except, there's a miracle..

justin bieber's new girlfriend, why? maybe we can travel the world together but, maybe that's to high fantasy

but that's all just a fantasy

only one, i can be my self

Thursday, September 2, 2010

me facing my life

I, I'm still me. accept me as I am
I, I'm not the one who is always good, but I'm trying to get better.
I, I'm just an ordinary person, I could also have a fault.
I, I, as a human being, I need your love
I am, I have a complete body, and I'm grateful for that.
I am, I have good parents given by god
I, I'm just a student, who must often feel bored learning
I, I as a citizen, must have felt disappointed over the country, but I'm still proud of my country.
I, I as an ordinary human being can feel pain, disappointment, heartbreak, crying.
I am, I often save the feelings of disappointment, anger, sadness, crying in my own heart. where there is no place for me to tell
I, though my life is always difficult to live with, but I feel happy to live in this world.

life should not be undertaken with the lament, sorrow, crying, anger.
However, live life with happiness, gratitude, a smile, and love.
that's how I live life, though difficult, but I'll make it easy.